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Substance Abuse Counseling in Boca Raton, Boynton Beach & Fort Lauderdale, Florida

The providers at MorMindful Therapy & Psychiatry treat patients suffering from dependency and substance abuse.

Dr. Blair Mor and her colleagues at MorMindful Therapy & Psychiatry have extensive experience treating individuals with substance abuse problems in South Florida.

Substance abuse in South Florida is a point of contention because of Florida’s history of unscrupulous rehabs, kick back laws and pain clinics. There are negative associations with even the word addiction in this area, making it more difficult for people with substance abuse issues to reach out without feeling shame or guilt.

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One of the things people do not realize about substance abuse is that it looks different in each person. So, for example, you may notice a homeless person on the street in Downtown, Boca Raton, who is disheveled, talking to themselves and drinking. This is one example of substance abuse that is associated with severe mental illness. But another example flies under the radar and is much more subtle.

It is not uncommon for a mother of three, whose kids all go to private school to drink a bottle of red wine every night, thinking to herself it's just a couple of glasses of wine before bed. Another example could be a graduate school student studying business at FAU who was partying with friends in Miami with cocaine occasionally but then noticed he has been finishing the bag when he gets home at night and into the next day. 


More subtle cases of substance abuse and addiction are extremely common and make it more difficult to diagnose and treat. It's not obvious you have a drinking problem when all of your friends get drunk all day Sunday every Sunday while playing golf. It is difficult to differentiate between occasional partying and more addictive type behaviors. Often people tell themselves, “Well if I don’t do it during the week then I don’t have a problem”. That could not be further from the truth.  

To add to the confusion, in the 1990s, early 2000’s and 2010’s many fly by night rehabs popped up in South Florida promising patients a comfortable and tropical environment to get sober and recover. What they actually found was far more sinister and turned out to be a system rigged to cheat insurance companies and keep patients hooked and trapped in treatment programs. After most of these programs were raided by the federal government and owners and doctors went to prison, a new and better system emerged to help people struggling with substance abuse. 

MorMindful Therapy & Psychiatry is not a rehab. We do not have any in-patient facilities and we do not provide intensive outpatient services for addiction. What we do offer is something much more private and individualized to each patient, so that you are not sitting in group after group waiting for a chance to speak or feeling like you don’t relate to the other clients around you. If you’d like to learn more about how on-on-one therapy for substance abuse and addiction can help you turn the corner, call us today to request an appointment.

Meet our team of highly skilled and compassionate substance abuse specialists.

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Katrina Verdon, PsyD

✅Currently Accepting New Patients


Lindsay Cooke, LMHC

✅Currently Accepting New Patients

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Blair Mor, PsyD

Specializes in:



Substance abuse


✅Currently Accepting New Patients

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Andrew S. Kaplan, LMFT, MHC, CCTP, CBT-I

✅Currently Accepting New Patients

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